Thursday, July 23, 2009

He's a chunk, and I love him...3 Months Old!

My son Judah is now 3 months old! He is starting to get some awesome rolls and squishy cheeks. Very cuddly little guy. :-)

I'm slowly getting more used to my new schedule and really, new life. Everything changes so much with a baby. Also, Jason and I now have very opposite schedules so we can always keep Judah with one of us instead of doing childcare. It's rough, but worth it for us. I'll try to keep pictures posted here from time to time.

I love this one since you can see his blue eyes so clearly. I took this picture while we were on a walk on NW 23rd with Marie:

This is a picture of him on his first trip out of town to Sunriver. We went with Dan & Emily and their kids, and my parents for the weekend just before his 3-month b-day: